I've done it.
I reached just over 4000 songs in my iTunes.
That's just over 12GB of music.
That's a lot of tunes.
My friend Phil and his GF Mary came over the other night and we talke about music. Mary had just recieved a new iPod Nano (video) and I was jealous. I downloaded a program that let me take songs off her Nano and put them on my computer. That took me to about 3800 total songs, so I had to try to hit the 4000 mark.
Phil said "dang! Have you LISTENED to all those songs?!" I said "Well, not all - but I'd guess most of them." Then I made a smart playlist that grabbed all my unplayed tracks. Out of 3800 there were about 2750 that I hadn't listened to. That means that 75% of the music I had was stuff I hadn't heard. And now I have just over 4000 tracks.
It's pretty cool, because I like new music. Oh - that 4000 doesn't count the 10 CDs that I deleted because they sucked. Stuff like "Kings Of Leon" and the newest Prince CD. There is still quite a bit of crap on my compy, but most is stuff that I at least THINK I'll like.
So the moral of the story is: if you WERE thinking of buying me a Christmas present, don't buy me music. Unless it's something totally hard to find or local music. But even then, I've got a couple of weeks worth of music to listen to, assuming I listen to music 24 hours a day.
The one thing I'm looking for is good Christian bands (I know, "good" and "Christian" rarely go together in music). A lot of the stuff I know about has great lyrics, but sound like.....um......American Idol music. I'd bet that most of my songs are labled "Indie" or "Indie Rock" or "Brit Rock" or "Folk" or "Modern Folk" so there's not a lot of C music that fits those genres. I can't stand sappy, breathy vocals. I can't stand (most) over-produced music (quick example - I didn't like Regina Spektor's radio stuff, but when I saw her live with Matt and it was basically her and a really nice piano I got a little hooked). Unfortunately, most C music I've been able to find falls into that z100-type music that I don't enjoy. Or Crap Rock. I don't like Crap Rock. I liked Jars Of Clay when they were big - that was sort of a secular Alternative sound that I can get behind, but that's about it. Any suggestions?
Anyway, if YOU want some music, let me know. Chanses are I have what you want, and if not I know where to get it. Alls I need is some blank CDs (or some $$ for them, if you want a lot) and it's all you. I'm super anal about tagging as well, so everything I have is tagged really, really well in iTunes.
Oh, and video? Shoot! I've got so much of that (properly tagged for iTunes, of course) it's not even funny. All seasons of "Arrested Development?" Got it. "Freaks and Geeks?" Complete. "My So-Called Life?" You know it! Scrubs, South Park, The Sarah Silverman Program, The Office (US and UK), Drawn Together, The Brak Show and Space Ghost Coast To Coast.......I've got it all. I've even taken to DLing current shows so I don't have to watch them when they are on TV: I've got all the up-to-date episodes of "Chuck" and I haven't even started watching them yet. "How I Met Your Mother?" I had season one and two, but I deleted them for hard drive space - but I have all this season up-to-date (I've got two more to watch before I'm caught up).
So crack a beer with me to celibrate the 4000th song on my beloved iMac. I may be somewhat of a bastard, but when you come to my house you always get good music!
Newest additions:
the new Duran Duran
the newest Bruce Springsteen
the newest remastered Bee Gees
all of Maximo Park's CDs
most of Broken Social Scene's* CDs
most of Beruit's CDs
...and more.
*BSS is the band that Feist was with before she went solo.
oh, and PS:
I wasn't on my Mac when I posted this: it's just over 12 DAYS of music - I've got over 25GB of music.
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