Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mr. Belding, The A-Team, and a Cat Who Likes Pie!

I got another call-back today. This one was from BofA about a Personal Banker position at the Mt. Tabor location. I talked to a rep who is sending me a pre-app and if I qualify based on that, will send my application to the Recruter for that area. Even though Mt. Tabor is still in Oregon, it's not nearly as far as Canby, so I'm hopeful. Also, they start at a higher salary. So I got that going for me, which is nice (anyone know what movie that line is from?). I just don't want to end up like Mr. Belding thinking "I had it all...."

I started figuring out how to play the A-Team Theme Song on my guitar last night. Audrey was having a hard time falling asleep and I needed something to occupy my time while we let her cry it out a little, so I plugged in my guitar, cranked up the overdrive (at low volume, of course) and got about a third of the song figured out. I think I'm going to record it with GarageBand, add drums and bass, then record the vocal intro but customize it to fit our family (the NEW A-Team!). Now I just need to find a place that will paint our minivan like the one to the left. Then I can install my old CB radio that has an output for a loud speaker so I can blast it for the whole neighborhood to hear. Then I'll be cool. Real cool! And Audrey's friends in High School will all be like "Oh, Audrey! Your Dad is the coolest Dad in the world!"

So now it's the Holidays and I love me some sweets. After my Great Grandma's 90th Birthday Party, Teresa had us take home a whole lemon-poppy seed bundt cake, since she made all the cakes and there was a ton left over. Gina bought a tin of cashew rocha. I came into the office yesterday and Carl had two ENORMOUS plates of cookies. Teresa always has cakes, cupcakes, cookies and chocolates at her house. Gina's folks always have some delectable desert and beers to offer. I think that instead of trying to get a set job, I'm just going to try to get as fat as I possibly can, and then win the Biggest Looser contest. I'll get thin, get all kinds of endorsement deals, and win $250K. All in three months. And since I'm equal parts nice guy and total bastard, I have a good chance of "playing the game" and staying on until the finals. I figure I need to gain about 150lbs or so in order to be on the show. So the cat in the olde time shirt and tie is spouting my new motto: "Keep your fork - there's pie!"

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