I loaded Windows XP Pro SP2 on my iMac.
Now I can boot from my choice of the Mac side or the Windows side. It's pretty sweet.
The most important thing is that I can now play Jeopardy! 2nd Edition again. It's hosted by videos of Alex Trebek!
The odd thing is that I've never experienced Windows running so fast before. Ever. It's totally crazy-go-nuts.
But now I can play all my old games that were PC only. And I can access NetFlix "Watch It Now" option. I can stream movies off NetFlix.com instead of waiting the two days it takes them to mail me DVDs. Although I am a little pissed that they still can't remotely beam movies onto the backside of my glasses whenever I want. I mean, jeeze! I actually have to THINK about stuff while I'm at red lights!
So there you have it. We are now a dual-computer household, but it's all on one machine. Sweet.
ps - I don't have a MacBook Pro. I have an iMac. I wish I had a MacBook Pro. That will be the next Mac I get.
those boots are kick ass.
i wanna pair.
don't tell anyone (unless they can get me a shweet discount) but I'm thinking of mac-ing it......
i also want to look like Shakira.
One will happen, one will not.
I can help advise you - I did a LOT of research on Macs before buying mine and I can help you choose. Between Brent and I, you gots the hookups. Also, we should look at the Referb store at Apple.Com: they have cheaper ones there that are still covered by warranty.
And Shakira's hot. There, I said it.
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